Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

As a financial consultant dealing in insurance, stocks, AIFs, corporate FDs, bonds, and debts, our company takes the privacy and security of our clients’ personal and financial information very seriously. We are committed to ensuring that all personal information provided by our clients is kept confidential and used only for the purposes for which it was collected.

In accordance with applicable data protection laws, we have implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect against unauthorized or unlawful processing of personal data, accidental loss, destruction, or damage. We also limit access to personal information only to those employees who need it to carry out their job responsibilities.

We may collect personal information from our clients, such as name, contact information, and financial information, in order to provide them with financial advice and services. We may also collect information about their investment objectives, risk tolerance, and financial circumstances to tailor our advice and services to their needs.

We may share personal information with third-party service providers, such as insurance companies, stockbrokers, and investment funds, in order to provide our clients with the best possible service. However, we will only share personal information with third parties who have agreed to maintain the confidentiality and security of the information.

We will not sell, rent, or disclose personal information to any third party for marketing purposes. We may use personal information to contact our clients about products, services, or promotions that may be of interest to them, but only with their prior consent.

Our clients have the right to access, correct, and delete their personal information held by us, as well as the right to object to the processing of their personal information. They may also withdraw their consent for us to process their personal information at any time.

We regularly review and update our privacy policy to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations and to reflect changes in our business practices. Clients are encouraged to review our privacy policy periodically to stay informed about how we are protecting their personal information.

